Jerry Buys a Motorhome ...

I have had the urge to buy a motorhome for quite a long time. The usual daydream was wife and me bowling along leafy European roads, me driving, her frying eggs and bacon in the back. If we got to a crossroads, we would throw dice to see whether to go straight on, or turn left, or right. The weather was always warm and sunny ... we would wander hither and yon, across Europe ... and so on. Now I have a motorhome, and what do I find? Frying whilst on the move is strictly verboten. Driving in Europe is harder nowadays, what with Brexit, and with my beloved P&O now completely up the Khyber. Motorhomes are rather more complicated than I had imagined, and need constant care, attention, and (usually) money. The weather is by no means always warm and sunny. Filling up with diesel makes you feel like a criminal and costs a fortune. And worst of all, Sue has decided she wants nothing to do with it at all. Claustrophobic, she says. Compared to our spacious home, I dare say is it. But wh...