Larry Goes to Fuengirola. (22) Monday 30 May 2022: home at last!

Set off from Les 3 Etangs about 8am .. the lake looked quite atmospheric in the early morning, it is a nice spot I would happily go back to. The dreaded transition of Rouen went very well too.. obviously early morning is the time to do it, while your faculties are sharp. Then a steady 3hr purr up the N roads to Calais. I had planned to go around the coast road from Boulogne to Calais, but in the event I just headed straight for Auchan at Coquelles. There I filled up with stuff to bring home, and filled Larry up with cheap (relatively!) diesel as well. Calais Port has completely changed. The old entrance is closed up and you have to go the other side, along with the freight now. First you get French passport control, then you get the bprder control. Then the same again for UK. Then, you can check in. It is a bit tedious with a motorhome, because absolutely everyone wants to look in the shower, to see how many immigrants you have secreted there. The ferry left nearly on time, not cr...