Larry Goes to Fuengirola. (5) Friday 13 May 2022

 Today was supposed to be a lazy day checking everything was good for my voyage across Spain and maybe seeing a little of Hendaye. 

Hendaye is a very attractive town, similar to Biarritz and St Jean de Luz but generally cheaper and friendlier without being at all downmarket. It has a fine beach and some pleasant hotels, campsites and restaurants. But its main claim to fame is that it forms the starting point for two of the three great routes along the Pyrenees: the GR10 and the HRP, the Haute Route Pyrenean. (The third, the GR11, begins from Irun just over the border in Spain). As such I have been here a number of times before, but it is always nice to come back.

I walked down to the beach and along to the town centre, and had a lovely day. Then back to the campsite, a shower and a meal and do the essential tasks (this blog :-) and an early night ready for tomorrow.

 Fine beach ... the waves are small today but folk were still surfing.


The beer in the middle is mine ...

The Ametza campsite is quite big. There are a dozen or more avenues like this one. Note Larry, centre.
 Looking for ideas to jazz up Larry a bit... there were pictures on each side as well

Camp shop and restaurant. The site was not cheap but has a lot of facilities. It is the only campsite I have ever seen that has an individual shower, lavatory and washbasin for every booking. Impressive.
