Larry Goes to Fuengirola. (14) Sunday 22 May 2022

 Another reasonably relaxed day today. I set off from Iraty about 10am and wound my way up to the col. The vague plan was to have that garbure I mentioned yesterday, and if it was not on offer until later, to go for a walk meantime. Unfortunately that didn't work out because a portly, aggressive lady came and tapped on the window and told me in no uncertain terms to go away. Apparently the Iraty restaurant was complet, fully booked for both lunch and dinner and they didn't want suspicious looking foreigners clogging up their car park. In her defence, not that she needed it, it is Sunday and that is a big eating-out day in France. I gave her a contemptuous look and strolled over to the restaurant itself, but it was not open and all of the tables were laid for a meal. No chance of a coffee or a garbure. So I sniffed, and drove on.

And a very pleasant hour and a half drive it was too, meandering through the pleasant Pyrenees foothills until nearer to Lescun, some serious climbing was involved; they do good hairpin bends here. Finally I got to the Plateau de Ghers. It is a lovely place, at about 1,100m altitude. I am booked into the campsite here for two days at €12/day including electricity and all facilities, which is feeling like a bargain. Until a moment ago there was only one other camper van here, but another has just turned up. So, still hardly crowded.

I am planning to do something a bit more strenuous tomorrow, maybe that will entail walking into Lescun for a beer. Lescun is one of my favourite places in all the Pyrenees and I will not put money on it, but just maybe Madame that owns the Hotel Pic d'Anie, and the owner of the Bar des Bergers, will actually recognise me.. I will let you know.

It has started to rain quite hard, and there is thunder. Having spent nights in a tent hereabouts in similar conditions, here in Larry I am feeling pretty smug. Maybe it is time for a shower, and a little glass of something chilled ..

At Iraty, in the morning the horses came to call. They are beautiful

Now there is a view: the village of Lescun, huddled below part of its Cirque. 

The Gite d'Etape Plateau de Ghers, with Larry in residence

The office, all set up and ready to go

.. looking the other way
