Larry Goes to Fuengirola. (9) Tuesday 17 May 2022
Another bright, sunny day, my but they do get the weather here. It is too hot for me, if anything. The part required to mend Larry is still awaited. I seem to be in one of those classic situations where the answer to any question is a shrug, and "manana!" I just have to be patient, never my strongest suit; and in the meantime, my chances of getting to Fuengirola seem to be slipping away.
At lunchtime I went to my second home, Bar Cacheras. I have learnt that the barman is called Gabie and we greet each other like old friends. I have the usual, a glass of white wine and two tapas, but I think maybe have been through their tapas menu now. Several of the ingredients looked quite familiar. Still the price is the same, €3,80.
On the way I discovered that there was a market, and quite a big one at that. I wandered around it, and bought a pollo asado, a spitroast chicken, which should provide a meal or two.
If and when the part arrives and Larry is fixed, I will set off but I think it is too late now to get to Fuengirola. Even if I did I could only stay a day or perhaps two. So instead I have decided to go back the way I came, but then branch off into the Pyrenees and head for St Jean Pied de Port and Lescun. I need to work off all those tapas, anyway ..
Thoughts about Santa Cruz de Mudera.
At first I thought it a rather shabby, insignificant sort of place, but I confess it has grown on me rather. There are no traffic jams, and not much traffic. All the people I have spoken to, or more accurately, gestured and mumbled at, have been friendly and patient with this deranged foreigner. I always felt entirely safe, and I saw no police, crime, graffiti, drunks, or youths with too little to do, anything at all of that sort. They do need to work on their drains, the various smells are not enticing. There is also a faint smell everywhere of diesel, which all the cars use. The pavements have weeds in them but I quite like that, it is all nature. They are broad and uncrowded.
I have also not seen a single jogger, or come to that a single vegetable. I worry about their lifestyle rather. With not too many exceptions, young = slim and older = portly.
The other thing I have noticed is that the entire town is alive with swifts. There are literally thousands of them, swooping and diving around, and you can hear their twitterings everywhere.
I don't expect I shall come back, but I am not sorry I came. Hasta la vista.
A rather poor attempt to photograph the swifts that are everywhere..
A bit of the market. The municipal gardens are behind
A corner of the municipal gardens
TThe interior of the Bar Cacheras. They are watching bullfighting...
Gabie, the friendly barman
The gents urinal. Note that the bollard base has been cut to fit: this is clearly a long-term solution.
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